Tuesday, October 29, 2013


The realization that I (we) are so far from the people we shared so much of our lives with has become glaring to me recently. I do not mean far in distance although that is the reason why, we have been in TX for four years now. Its been four years since we have shared any experiences with them, four years since we have seen each others kids, hell there are kids we haven't even met and these people were so important to us that they were in our wedding, were at the hospital for the birth of our first child, helped us move, shared countless dinners and vacations. We went to or were a part of many weddings some have dissolved into divorce in the past four years. :(

It seems like so much has changed about the people that meant so much to me and I can no longer relate. It feels like a loss, like someone has died. :(

Maybe its because I finally feel at home in TX after feeling lost for the past four years...

Or maybe I finally feel at home here because I know I do not have a place there anymore. I KNOW home is where ever Eric and the kids are but I felt like we were out of place until just the past couple of months.



Super Hero Bedroom

When we moved into the new house I knew I wanted to do Pierce's room first. Since he is a boy, the 2nd child  and we have been renting for 4 years, he sometimes gets shafted when it comes to the effort put into his room. I also had a very clear vision of what I wanted it to be. Both of the kids are all about some Super Hero's right now and I figure he will be into some sort of super hero for a while. So he we go.... I found skyline clip art online and printed a bunch out. Then I went and bought an art projector from Joann's I had a 40% off coupon (40% off $60.00 so it was worth it) I projected the skyline onto the wall and traced it on with a pencil. Then Eric and I taped off every single line...it was tedious to say the least. I also forgot to mention that Eric spent a week at least resurfacing the walls in this room and painting the base color.The walls in our 1973 house are some sort of textured stucco and well this would not have worked on any other surface but SMOOTH. The base color is a pale blue gray in eggshell.

Then we started painting the skyline :)
This is the Atlanta skyline.
New York inspired plus Stark Tower...

Hall of Justice..

I really wanted to have a bridge and it was a HUGE pain in the ass. Eric worked on it a lot...when you cut tape with a razor blade its very easy to cut thru the base paint color and some peeled off when we took the tape off :( It needed some touch up but I was very happy with it. The skyline color is called Gotham Gray...I knew it was meant to be when I came across it in Lowes. Its a dark blue gray, almost black.

Then it was time for some color to be added somewhere...I turned these into....
these :) Canvas on sale at Michaels I think they are 20x20, I paid $6.00 each for them. I painted each with acrylic paints and then used my awesome art projector again to trace the Super Hero symbols on. Then I used a black Sharpie to color the images in. The Sharpie worked great and gave me WAY more control then paint since I am not a painter :/ They look like vinyl decals now that they are done.

I had to do the telephone booth closet door. I wanted it to add more color to the room and well b/c I think its awesome. Pierce won't even get it still for a few years but when he does...He will know I am an awesome mom ;) This closet door was a pain in the ass...every part of it...just FYI.
That Batman is my husbands favorite part of the room :) I had this little piece of wall and I was sick of square buildings at this point it was the last section I had to go...so I found a really artsy adult looking poster of Batman and projected it onto the wall. No I did not create him that would have been awesome but I am not talented in that way at all.
I did a couple other DIY things in this room...I used glow in the dark Batman Duck Tape :D To cover the light switch cover and sides of his toy bins...love that stuff its AWESOME!!
I added some puff paint in yellow for windows at random places in the room...I also used to glow in the dark RUSTOLEUM but you can't tell in pics.
Then I needed to get him something for his clothes since we were getting rid of the baby changing table he had been using for a dresser...I found these at a garage sale this summer($30.00) and they fit perfectly. They kind of look like buildings :)  thought I would try that Pinterest thing I pinned about painting laminate furniture...well it totally works!!

That was pretty much what I spent my summer doing and I loved every minute of it. :) This is pretty much all we did, I hung a new blind and a curtain topper I found at Wal-mart on clearance.
He still needs a new bed...but he did get Super Hero bedding from Grammy already...will post a pic next time his bed is made :P